Pork Seitan

Makes four boneless “pork” chops. Can also be shaped into ribs! (See below.)

1 1/2 cups chickpeas
1 cup veggie stock
1/3 cup olive oil
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tbsp liquid smoke
1/2 tsp salt
2 1/2 cups vital wheat gluten

Combine first 6 ingredients in food processor, and process until smooth. Combine in bowl with vital wheat gluten and stir until mixture reaches a dough-like consistency. Divide in four. Form each piece into chop shape and wrap tightly. Place steamer basket in Instant Pot over an inch of water, and set “steam” setting to 15 minutes (see sidebar). Allow pot to cool naturally on completion, then remove seitan from wrappers and cool on racks. Seitan can be used immediately or frozen.

Ribs: For making ribs, shape into flatter, wider chops, and create separations by pressing the handle of a wooden spoon into the dough at regular intervals. Wrap in foil, making sure to press the foil firmly down into the spaces.

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