Tofu alle Erbe di Montagna

350 grams slab extra-firm tofu
⅛ cup olive oil
seasoned sea salt
8 mint leaves
6 sage leaves
generous sprig each rosemary and thyme
⅛ cup white wine
1 tablespoon lemon juice
sea salt and pepper

Cut tofu into three large pieces. Heat olive oil in pan. Roll tofu pieces in seasoned salt and saute on all sides until lightly browned. Finely chop the herbs. Slice open the tofu pieces, lengthwise, and sprinkle herbs inside. Close the tofu and place in small baking dish. Pour olive oil from saute pan over the tofu, and add white wine and lemon juice. Sprinkle any remaining herbs over top, and add a light grating of salt and pepper. Bake in 375 F° oven for 10 minutes or until steaming. Serve immediately.

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